Milonga Taura (2022)

Outdoor improvisation device, community practice

What if we dance a tango? Let’s go out to the park to walk together for a while. Let’s breathe deeply while we contemplate the landscape. Let’s shift our weight from one foot to the other and try to get closer… what if we hold hands? What if we take a step forward towards me and backward towards you? And one towards you forward and my back… and another towards our side, and another towards the diagonal… are the trees also dancing?

Milonga Taura is an outdoor improvisation device. A community and playful dance practice, born in the pandemic, that through tango invites proximity, touch and embrace. Milonga Taura consists of a peripatetic walk in which, with the most famous tangos in the background, we talk, get in touch, put our body in relation to another body(ies) and put our weight on the metatarsals so that our hearts come closer. We reject the ground and synchronize our breathing to take the next step together and we carry each other along. Starting from very simple exercises of proprioception, breathing, contemplation, listening and group connection, Milonga Taura proposes a space to slow down and walk without haste through the unknown. We guide the guests to get in touch with their sensations, with others and with the landscape. This mediation project is part of the research “A contrapelo, piel de tango”.

Research, Interpretation and Creation: Arantxa Blasco, Doriana Rossi, Malena Albarracín, Noelia Grasso, Noelia Sánchez.
Direction assistance: Noelia Sánchez.
General idea, direction and production: Malena Albarracín.
Tango advisory: Janice Iandritzky and Malena Sessano.
Physical preparation: Camelia Córdoba.
Audience: Suitable for all audiences.
Duration: 1 hour.
Support: Circula! Residence, the creation and training train APDCV – APDC 2023 Convent de les Arts (Alcover, Barcelona).