Manuals for holding (2024-2023)

Research on movement, writing and thought.

Within the Articulacions program – Public Program 23/24, the members of the Jardín work group (Sofía Delgado, Carmen Gimeno, Jeff García, Malena Albarracín and Carlos Zárate) reflect on the following questions:
Is letting yourself be held, holding yourself and holding yourself the same thing? Is holding the same as grasping? Is holding only with the body? What questions do practices hold? How long do we hold?
We invite you to share three workshop sessions where we can explore together the concept of what is holding? We will investigate from the body, the gaze and writing, paying attention to and experimenting with what makes it possible for things to be held or, perhaps, to be “unsustainable”. The first session will be guided from a somatic and affective practice with which to introduce us to holding from the body. The different sessions activate complementary resonances, while each one of them is oriented to a specific problem: letting oneself be supported, holding the gaze and sustained conflict; all of them lines with which the Jardín group has been working since the beginning of the Articulacions study program.
Starting from this desire to support, this workshop is open to meet the needs of any body. If you are interested in it, you can communicate it through the email.
Jardín is made up of Sofía Delgado Alcíbar (València, 2000), Carmen Gimeno Casas (València, 1996), Jeff García Hernández (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1999), Malena Albarracín (Buenos Aires, 1989) and Carlos Zárate Jiménez (Albacete, 2001).