Un perreito en la pared (pág 467)

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Escrituras situadas y situaciones de escritura en movimiento.
Compiladoras Bel Eiff y Josefina Zuain
November 2023

ASMR y Tensegridad (2022)

Podcast for Doce Veinticuatro. A guided practice from the whisper, between acidity and relaxation. With her voice, Malena gets into the limit of the skin, on its edge, sharp tongue that trembles and makes tremble, straining the usual ways of listening and guiding somatic practices.
July 20, 2022 – Doce Veinticuatro.

Salón Palacio Errázuriz Alvear. A research laboratory coordinated by Josefina Zuain.

January 2, 2022 – Segunda en Papel Editora. (page 143)

– Mi reinado (page 143)
– De pie a cabeza (page 211)
– Auto-guía básica para una reverencia efectiva (page 309)
– Banquete anti gravitatorio (page 317)